Lionstep is currently a victim of scam-messages

patrikbreitenmoser 9, Oct 2023 2 min
Digital recruiting

Dear Candidate or Customer

Unfortunately, Lionstep is currently the victim of scam messages sent via WhatsApp. This messaging is part of a broader campaign that has targeted several Swiss recruiting companies. We want to assure you that Lionstep is not the sender of these messages and that this is different from our standard practices. It is also not the case that the Lionstep database has been hacked. We take data privacy and the security of our candidates’ information very seriously, and we would never engage in activities that compromise trust in us.

Here are a few key points that we would like to emphasize:

  • No WhatsApp Communication: We do not initiate or conduct any form of communication through WhatsApp or any other unofficial messaging platform. Our primary means of communication with candidates are via LinkedIn, email, and phone calls from our official phone numbers. We also attach our privacy link and GDPR Guidelines.
  • Data Privacy: We are committed to upholding the highest data privacy standards. Personal information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is shared only with potential employers per a candidate’s consent and in compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

Your security and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we are fully committed to resolving this issue to your satisfaction.

If you have received any suspicious messages or emails claiming to be from our company, please forward them to our Customer Support (Chatbot) for reference in our ongoing investigation.