This is What Needs to Change with Recruiting

Alexander Mazzara 4, Feb 2018 3 min
this is what needs to change with recruiting

This is What Needs to Change with Recruiting. There is no need to spend hours or even days searching for the perfect candidate to fill a position in your company.

While there are numerous recruiting techniques that companies utilize to attract a candidate, some techniques work while others are a flop. If you want to attract a specialist –  a superstar who will become actively engaged in your company – you must do things differently. The same old recruiting techniques aren’t always effective, even though you may have been using them for years. Here are three problems that need to change when it comes to recruiting.

1. Time is Wasted Time on the Job Boards

If you want to find the perfect candidate, you don’t want to spend all your time on job boards. Many of the best individuals are actively engaged in their jobs. They are invested in their current companies and aren’t actively job hunting. You need to discover methods, tools, and technology to reach out to these individuals. In-house referrals, social media, even cold outreaches to individuals who interest you can help fill vacancies quickly. Remember that if you want superstars working for your company, you must put in a little extra effort to find them. The amount of effort you put forth to fill open jobs will reflect the quality of candidates you find.

2. The Process Takes Too Long

For many companies, it takes several weeks and even months to fill open positions. They delay the process because they are waiting for the perfect candidate to walk in the door. Because of this long delay, companies often don’t respond quickly to their candidates. When companies leave job-seekers waiting, it creates a negative impression of the company. In fact, long delays can cause candidates to look elsewhere, causing the company to lose out on an individual who could have truly enhanced the team. As you begin your recruitment process, make candidate communication and an expedited process a priority. If you need help, work with a company or a headhunter who can help you find the right talent quickly.

3. Recruiters Focus Too Much on the Resume

While an individual needs a certain level of qualifications and experience to succeed in a position, their list of achievements and past experiences are not all that matters. In fact, recruiters need to focus on a person’s characteristics to get to know a candidate — more than just what’s listed on a piece of paper. A few questions to consider when hiring include:

  • Is this individual teachable?
  • Is this person a team player?
  • How likely is this person to become invested in the company or would this just be a stopping point as they climb the corporate ladder?

Instead of disregarding individuals due to a lack of qualifications, take a closer look beyond their resume at their personality and what they could offer the company.

Some of your current recruiting techniques may work and they may work well. However, if you want to hire candidates who will stick around, who will become actively engaged in your company, and who will be a great asset to your organization, there are many recruiting techniques that must change. You need to start thinking outside of the box to find the best people for your team.

Attention‼️ Currently, scammers are contacting random candidates on WhatsApp on behalf of Lionstep. Read more about it in our blog